Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring! Means the wedding is near...

The weather in Pennsylvania has improved in the last few weeks, making it seem very much like spring around here. We are excited about the sunshine! The spring weather also reminds us that the wedding is getting closer. We have been doing a few tasks for the wedding this week. We ordered our rings which should arrive very soon. Mine will be an eternity band with diamonds and Chris' will be a men's band with a simple design. It was fun to look at the different options and pick them out. We are also starting to hear back from our invitations. It is fun to get the response cards in the mail. I also scheduled manicures and pedicures for myself and my bridal attendants for the day before the wedding. Looking forward to that as it was sure a lot of fun in Arizona. We also finalized our wedding cake and mailed the topper we would like to use. Chris' family has agreed to help put together our table decorations for the reception, so we mailed those off this week as well. We appreciate the help!
All together, it is at the stage now where we have a lot of little details that we are putting together as the wedding nears. We are both looking forward to it!