Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Spring wedding details

The wedding gets closer every day! We are looking forward to all of the upcoming events. Recently we finalized our guest list after hearing back from the RSVP's. With that information we have been working on making place cards for everyone at the reception. We have also been putting together a program to hand out at the ceremony, which means we have been working on finalizing parts of the ceremony. We wanted to include a reading of some sort, but all of the readings on the internet seemed too generic. So we developed our own, more personalized reading that we are looking forward to sharing at the wedding. Our friend Judith will give the reading during the ceremony. We also have a creative unity ceremony that we will include in the ceremony.
We also had our wedding announcement appear in the Cody Enterprise, the hometown paper. This picture isn't as good because it is a photocopy, but we were happy with how the original turned out.

The final detail we took care of recently was reserving our hotel room for the time in Red Lodge. We will be staying at the Pollard Hotel, which is right downtown Red Lodge. We chose the Pollard because it was slightly more affordable than the Comfort Inn and a bit more centrally located, although not by much. Everything in Red Lodge is "nearby." The day after the wedding we will head to Cooke City, Montana one night and then through Yellowstone over to Jackson, Wyoming for a few days in a nice cabin. We will then head back to Cody for a few days at a bed and breakfast before heading back to Pennsylvania. Please feel free to email us if you have any questions about where to stay or other travel planning questions. It is a beautiful area, so if you can take advantage of seeing the sites we would recommend it!